Friday, August 04, 2006

Friday, Brought To You By the Number 3

3 pitchers of margaritas split with my sister.
3 bars we passed before giving up and stoping at that bar.
3 times the manager stopped mid sentance and asked us if he got us loaded enough to think he was attractive.

3am - the last time I looked at the clock, watching Tivo, eating Del Taco, wondering what day it was.
3 windows cracked open and SO glad I was in the parking garage since it was RAINING when we were out at that unholy hour.

3 times I tried to get up and had to lay back down.
3 times I've been looking at The Throne, wondering if I'll be praying this morning.

3 laps around the 7-11 looking for stuff that would head off the impending headache.
3 items at check out to work with. (gatorade and water not working, rockstar in the fridge waiting for the Del Taco to finish settling before I give it a shot) (if you have ANY secrets to help me not yack at the front desk, keep my eyes open, stopping the vertigo while sitting in my chair, keep from running from all the noise in the office, or any other of the sure to come symptoms of FINALLY getting over this toxicity; I am pretty willing to try anything about now.)

3 times I had to look my boss in the face and say I was late because my sisters car needed a jump in the parking garage.

3pm - hoping to make it to 3pm before asking to go home and sleep this off.

3 options of what to do with my sister tonight... wondering if I'll be conscious for any of them!

TGIF ya'll... I was REALLY hoping yesterday was the end of the week. Apparently I am not satisfied WANTING Thursday to be Friday, I'm going to TREAT Thursday as Friday as well.
Hows your day turning out?

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